Unity and the Arduino are beautiful examples of tools that open up worlds. Similar to how Photoshop changed the landscape for digital artists, Unity and the modern crop of electronic platforms do the same for interactive.

AR with a purpose.

TimeFrame was our first attempt at giving ARKit a production test. What we ended up with was an app where multiple people connect to in realtime and share their surroundings. The information is stored in Firebase and can later be recalled by user or hashtag name. People got a bit next level with the inception effect on this one.

The beta proved it was possible. Then we went forward and developed the fully synced version that allowed everyone to share their moments in realtime. The frames stay persistently on a database and the moments can be viewed from anywhere via hashtag or user. One important takeaway: Make things that are FUN!

Hardware interfacing — because it’s awesome

The tools get a bit more complicated here. Soldering together speed controllers and tracking data with an Arduino that feeds data to Processing that in turn sends data to Unity or Touch Designer. Then add an unlimited number of permutations to the above. But in the end, we can create unique experiences that add tactility and joy to the equation.